Booking conditions with Private Vietnam Tours

It is essential to read and understand the conditions of booking below. Please also ensure you have read and clearly understood the itineraries of the tour you are booking.

Make a tour booking
Your booking should be sent by fax, mail, or e-mail to Private Vietnam Tours

The booking is effective only when you have already confirmed it and transferred your deposit to Private Vietnam Tours.

Children Policy
Children under 10 years are generally granted a reduction of 30% of the tour price, provided that they are accompanied by at least two full paying adults and stays in the same room. An extra bed is fully charged as adult.

Deposit and Final Payment
• On booking a trip you are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of 10% per person - minimum of USD100 per person. (Note: bank fee is on your side). Once a deposit is received it is understood that you have read, understood and accepted all our Terms and Conditions

• Full payment of the tour balance must be paid upon arrival in Vietnam and before commencement of the tour.

Cancellation & Refunds
All cancellations must be received in writing, sent to us via fax or email. The following rules apply for cancellations:

Cancellation by the Traveller
Cancellation fees apply to all fully paid/confirmed tours. The date of trip cancellation is the date on which the written cancellation is received by Private Vietnam Tours.
- More than fifteen (15) days prior to departure: The total deposit paid to us less the administrative fee in accordance with canceling advanced arrangements, will be valid for one (1) year from the date the deposit was received. During this time (365 days) the amount can be applied to other tours and services. After one (1) year the deposit amount is forfeited.
- Less than fifteen (15) days prior to departure: Complete forfeiture of deposit, due to hotel charges we incur for guest no-shows.

No refunds will be made if you voluntarily leave a trip for any reason after the trip has begun. Refunds will be at the discretion of Private Vietnam Tours if you are involuntarily forced to leave the trip for any reason.

Cancellation by Private Vietnam Tours
Private Vietnam Tours reserves the right to cancel any trip departure before it is scheduled to run. A trip is guaranteed to run once it has two fully-paid travelers, unless minimum numbers state otherwise. If Private Vietnam Tours cancels a trip which is guaranteed, you may choose between an alternative trip or a full refund. The company is not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking such as visas, vaccinations, non-refundable flights or loss of enjoyment. If the alternative trip chosen is of a lower value than that originally booked then you are entitled to a refund of the price difference. If the alternative tour chosen is of a higher value then you will pay the difference in price.

Unused Services
No refunds or exchanges can be made with respect to accommodation, meals, sightseeing tours, transport or any other services, included in the tour price, but not utilized by the tour members.

Voucher and trip documents
Travel documentation is sent electronically by email. Normally 48 hours after we have received your deposit we will send you your trip documents which should be printed out by participants and retained as a receipt.

Private Vietnam Tours also requires the following information: passport number, date of birth, and nationality.

Travel Insurance is compulsory on all Private Vietnam Tours trips and is a condition of booking. You are strongly recommended to take out cancellation insurance at time of booking which will cover cancellation penalties in certain circumstances (note: such insurance will not cover a change of mind). When selecting a travel insurance policy we require that at a minimum you are covered for medical expenses including emergency repatriation. We strongly recommend that the policy also covers personal liability, cancellation, curtailment and loss of luggage and personal effects.
Please ensure you have your emergency telephone number for your insurance company. If this is unavailable please ensure you have the necessary information required by your Insurance company in case of an emergency.

Passports and Visas
The applicant must carry a valid passport and have obtained the appropriate visas when travelling with Private Vietnam Tours. Applicants must ensure their passport is valid for 6 months beyond the duration of the trip. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they are in possession of the correct visas for the trip. Private Vietnam Tours cannot accept responsibility if the applicant is refused entry to Vietnam due to incorrect visa documentation.


When booking on a Private Vietnam Tours trip you understand that Private Vietnam Tours run holidays in Vietnam. The standards of accommodation, transport, hygiene, telecommunication facilities, level of infrastructure development and medical facilities are not to the same that you are used to at home. This type of holiday inherently involves a higher level of personal risk, which you agree to fully assume.

You understand that during the course of the trip certain events may occur including; accident or illness in remote places without medical facilities, political instability and the forces of nature. You agree to assume all risks associated with the journey to the maximum extent permitted by law.

You acknowledge that travel on a Private Vietnam Tours trip requires a degree of flexibility and understand that the trip's route, accommodation and modes of transport are subject to change without prior notice due to local circumstances. Should Private Vietnam Tours deem it advisable to amend an itinerary for any reason, it may do so by shortening, varying or re-routing any trip. These changes are binding and additional expenses will be charged to you if the reason for any alteration is outside Private Vietnam Tours control.

While traveling with Private Vietnam Tours you agree to accept the authority of the local operator at all times. You are aware that travel within a group may involve compromise to accommodate the diverse desires and physical abilities of group members. You understand that Private Vietnam Tours reserves the right to decline, accept, or retain any person as a member of the group at any time.

You acknowledge that Private Vietnam Tours contract with a network of companies, agencies and individuals throughout Vietnam to assist in the running of its tours. To the best of Private Vietnam Tours knowledge, these third parties are qualified to perform the duties they are contracted to perform. Private Vietnam Tours will not be held reliable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may occur due to the behavior of these third parties. Private Vietnam Tours will not accept responsibility or liability for any traveler who contravenes any law or regulation of Vietnam

No employee or agent of Private Vietnam Tours has authority to vary these conditions.

Brochure Validity
The price listed on-line is based on the costs and exchange rates current at the time of printing and posting. Private Vietnam Tours reserves the right to alter prices at any time. The itineraries and rates on-line are applicable from 01 January 2011 until 31 December 2011. The land price of your trip is guaranteed when you have paid in full. For trips departing after 31 December 2011, prices and itineraries are indicative only. All information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing and posting. Private Vietnam Tours will make every effort to keep you informed of any changes. Please refer to this site for the most recent updates to any trip.